In online interactions, it can be easy to assume that the person on the other end is who they claim to be. What if a minor has catfished you, and now you are contending with legal consequences? What are your defense options? The laws on online solicitation of a minor...
Sex Offenses
Difference between sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault
Sexual assault is a serious crime in the state of Texas, but an aggravated sexual assault is even more serious. If you are facing sexual assault charges, it is important to know the difference between the two crimes. What is sexual assault? Under Texas Penal Code Sec....
Texas law, sexual assault charges and your defense options
Sexual assault is a serious criminal offense and is treated as such in the state of Texas. Those accused of sexual assault face severe penalties, making it important that alleged offenders understand their situation, the charges against them, defense options available...
Human Trafficking Charges Carry Severe Penalties
Both the laws of Texas and the United States make behavior commonly referred to as human trafficking serious criminal offenses. Federal law prohibits trafficking minors for the purpose of having those minors engage i what the law calls commercial sex acts, such as...
What Can I Do If I Am Falsely Accused Of A Sex Crime?
If you are falsely accused of a sex crime, you are the victim of a major injustice. You probably know how much a sex crime allegation can ruin your life and reputation. A sex crime conviction comes with serious potential penalties, including prison time and probation,...
Who needs to register as a sex offender in Texas?
People in Texas who have criminal convictions may have long-lasting repercussions as a result. The convictions can remain on criminal records for a long period of time and will often show up on background checks. Certain crimes can have long-lasting requirements in...
What if I am charged with invasive video recording in Texas?
It seems that everyone in Texas, across the nation and all over the world has a cellphone with video recording capabilities. It is a major part of advertising campaigns to emphasize how advanced the new devices are. While this can be beneficial in many ways, it can...
When is an alleged teacher-student relationship a crime in Texas?
Allegations and arrests for educators having inappropriate relationships with students happen in Texas and across the United States. While this creates flashy headlines and viral content, it is not always true, nor is it automatically a crime. The circumstances can...
How do I choose an attorney when facing sex offense charges?
There is, perhaps, no scarier charge than for a sex offense. The social stigma of sex offenses (and the reporting requirements after a conviction) can making living nearly impossible. This is why it is extremely important to find the right attorney. The consequences...
Be aware of CPS investigations
The Child Protective Services unit of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, or CPS, investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Their investigations could include allegations of sexual abuse. CPS will investigate most reports of abuse or...